Meet our new sponsor! The RRI North Scotland Search & Rescue team
We're thrilled to announce our new sponsor, RRI North Scotland Search & Rescue Team, who run search and rescue missions across Northern Scotland. The lovely team at RRI North have kindly introduced themselves below!
John Miskelly owns Bracken and Bramble who are both HRD (Human Remains Detection Dogs). John is the founder of RRI North and also run’s K9 Scent and Search Scotland in Dunshalt, Fife which offers scent work courses and man trailing for pet owners. John like’s nothing better than being out and about with his dog’s!

Jennifer Brailsford is owned by her girl Juno, they are now advanced, and in a couple of months’ time will be a fully Operational Tracking and Trailing Dog and Handler. Jennifer is the owner of J&J Dog Walking in Glenrothes and likes nothing better than being out on long walks with her pack.
Jackie Davidson is owned by Operational Dog Amber who is an Northern Inuit or more communally called Dire wolves as the breed was used in Game of Thrones. Amber’s brother also plays the part of Rollo in Outlander. Jackie works full time as a trainer at Quaker Oats, she loves to watch her girls working and finding the missing people.
Emma is owned by Dougal who is an in-training Humans Remains Detection Dog and is a whizz kid at finding what he is looking for. In fact, he sometimes finds his items in double quick time! Emma works for the NHS and is a hard-working front-line employee.

Findlay MacCrae is the last of the team and owns Fearghus, who like Jackie and Amber are a fully trained Operational Tracking and Trailing Handler and Dog. Fearghus can be very vocal when he is getting close to his missing person which is great.