Dog-friendly walks to enjoy: Bailey visits Glencoe Lochan Walk

For National Walking Month we are encouraging you and your pack to head out on a new walk, taking inspiration from our Brand Ambassadors, or to take a trip to your favourite local route to enjoy some fresh air. Bailey the golden has given details of one of their favourite dog-friendly UK walks they found when on a recent trip to Glencoe, in the Highlands of Scotland...
This walk is a great for all ages and abilities and is in an idyllic setting right in the heart of Glencoe.
Why is this walk special? The lochan is set in what was the grounds of thehome of the Earl of Strathcona who was, for a while, the governor general of Canada. He brought back with him his Canadian wife who became a little homesick so he landscaped the whole area around the house to look like the Canadian Rockies. Some visitors have commented that the area around the lochan looks like a miniature Lake Louise in British Columbia.
What facilities are there? The car park is reached by driving through the village of Glencoe, over the humped back bridge and almost immediately left through the walled entrance gate at the bottom of the former driveway. After a few hundred metres a sign shows the way into the car park off to the right.

There is a map sign in the car park that shows three different walks around the Lochan. This sign gives information on each of the walks available!
Visit Bailey's Instagram @goldenretrieverbaileygirl for more goofy but gorgeous photos from her adventures!