Storm Arwen Update

On Friday the UK experienced a powerful storm across the north of England and in parts of Scotland which unfortunately has affected our cold pressed factory, resulting in the loss of power.

Our MD Craig and fantastic factory staff have been working hard all weekend to secure as many generators as possible to ensure our frozen food stays frozen so you can still purchase raw food as usual, however we have been unable to keep our cold pressed production lines running as usual without power.

We've been made aware that our local power company are currently working on fixing these lines across the area however this may not be completed until early next week.

We are now pleased to have all 10kg refill bags of Premium Cold Pressed and 15kg Working Dog back in stock with our boxes and 2kg items available soon. 

We hope to be fully back in stock on our website soon and we'd like to thank you for your patience and continued support.

We'd like to apologise again for any inconvenience this may cause.